Sunday 17 August 2008

The Business Benefits of Blogging

A few years ago you would have been forgiven for thinking that blogging was reserved for internet nerds and people who did it for the sheer love of it. But that’s not the case any more.

Today more and more businesses are starting up their own blogs, and for the webpreneur looking to establish themselves more firmly within the internet community, setting up and contributing to a blog on a regular basis can help to get them recognised as an expert in their own particular field.

There is a lot to learn if you want to make the most of your business blog.,, read more

Celebrity Blogs and Entertainment Blogs - Information or Obsession?

If you're an avid internet surfer, chances are pretty high that you've stopped at a celebrity website or celebrity blog from time to time. Perhaps you went there to check on the latest celebrity fiasco or you simply wanted to look to see what the fashion gurus were recommending. In any case, you are not alone.

A quick check at the popular celebrity gossip website shows that nearly 1000 people have commented on recent postings. While this doesn't sound like a lot, the fact that this site crashes regularly because of too much web traffic is proof enough that gossip sites aren't being ignored.... read more

Everything You Need to Know About Your Credit Score (And How to Get a Free Credit Report Score)

Your credit score is the three digit number that is used by lenders to determine how much of a risk they would be taking to lend you money or give you credit. It is based on the information that is in your credit report, and then compared to the scores of millions of other consumers. The score is figured out by running a mathematical formula. Your credit score is important because it affects the amount of interest you will pay on credit cards, loans, insurance and mortgages. A low credit score can cost you a job or stop you from renting the house or apartment you want, keep you from getting insurance, and can even prevent you from getting a cell phone!... read more

Saturday 16 August 2008

Why A Website Could Be Extremely Profitable For Your Small Business

If you are somebody who has your own small business and who is constantly looking for ways to improve it, then you may want to think about creating your own website. Having, or starting, a small business can be hard work with all of the planning and setting up etc that needs to be done. Sometimes the results just don't happen overnight and you need something extra to promote your business and to tell clients all that they want to know about your business. A website can do just that and most small business these days has one. To determine whether you need a website, you should ideally look at your aims and business goals to see what you want to achieve... read more

Content Management: Developing Content and Information Websites

Chances are you've seen at least one or two of these sites when browsing the internet... large websites that are comprised entirely of short to mid-length informational articles. You might not have thought much about them at the time, but good websites like that are designed with one goal in mind; each of the sometimes thousands of pages on the site contains small ads which bring in money for the site's creator. If even a few visitors to each page clicks through on the ads per day, that can equate to thousands upon thousands of clicks per day... read more

Are Traffic Exchanges a Viable Way to Build Your Online Business?

For the webpreneur who is looking for another way to get more traffic to their website, traffic exchanges offer a number of advantages. But to make the most of the benefits they offer you need to understand exactly how they work. A traffic exchange is a website whose members surf other sites in exchange for credits which allow their own sites to be viewed by others. It is a simple system which works well and is used by many online marketers to boost awareness of their products and generate more page views and sign ups... read more

Affiliate Marketing - The Best Way To Monetize Your Website

If your website is still establishing itself and you are looking for a way for it to bring in more revenue, the world of affiliate marketing might hold the answer. Affiliate marketing is an extremely popular... read more

How To Choose A Recording Studio

There are endless questions you could ask a potential recording studio before you commit to a booking. However some are much more important than others, so for example “does the studio have a coffee machine?” should not be top of the list!

Below are a few questions that should be asked though, before you make that all-important decision... read more

Sunday 3 August 2008

Debt Payment Do's And Don'ts

For most, the first step to get out of debt when in debt is debt management - to really assess where money is being spent, followed by several months of deciding just where fees and extravagances can be cut. Therefore, you will need a plan, and all good plans start with making a budget.

Trim the fat wherever you can. If your budget is like most, there are quite a few places where you can save significant amounts of money you didn't even know you were spending... read more

How to Get out of Debt: An Overview of Debt Consolidation and Debt Settlement

By the mid-aughts, the average American carried a debt load that includes over $9,000 of high-interest credit card debt. Add to this tens of thousands of dollars of home and college loan debt, and it is not surprising that over a million people per year seek bankruptcy protection. However, declaring bankruptcy is not nearly as easy as it once was, nor is it a good option for most. That leaves debt consolidation and debt settlement as the most viable alternatives for most to get their personal finances back in order...... read full article