Monday, 9 February 2009

Ghostwriting Exposed - The Top 50 Ghostwritten Books

The traditional misconception of ghost writing is probably the image of the starving young writer with stars in their eyes, hoping to learn something about the craft and get published, by any means necessary, while the client is seen as a real Ebenezer Scrooge type, taking advantage of the hopeful young scribe and then slapping his own name on the book once it’s finished. As a ghostwriter, I know this simply isn't true.

As you’ll see from the following list, this Dickensian scenario couldn’t be further from the truth. These books aren’t just “pretty good… for something that was ghost written”, these are bona fide good, even great books. The ones that haven’t won Pulitzers have at least won the hearts and minds of more than a few readers, and nothing is on this list just to pad it out. These are fifty certifiably good books, that just happen to have been ghost written. Ghostwriting Exposed - The Top 50 Ghostwritten Books - read full list

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