Monday, 17 November 2008

Green Christmas - A Complete Guide To An EcoFriendly Christmas


We all know Christmas is an expensive time of year. For the planet, it's an orgy of environmental-abuse.

BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FEEL GUILTY. We can all make small changes, and every change you make will reduce your contribution to this disasterfest, and make your Christmas more Earth-friendly. There are so many PRACTICAL suggestions in these Green Christmas hubs that everyone can do something, even if it's just one thing this year.

I have no affiliation to any of the recommended links unless you purchase from the shown Amazon or eBay items. We all have to make a living and I make mine writing.. but I believe these links are doing good things for the environment, and I figure they deserve all the profit they make doing it.

Christmas is about children. And they need the world to be here next year - year after year. Every little bit you can do to make ecofriendly Christmas choices guarantees them more Christmasses to come... Green Christmas read more....

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